Regional Goddess Traditions and Iconography

Chinese Deasophy

The dragon woman -- where does she come from? But when she comes, she rides the wind and rain!
People of Shu gather with reverent thoughts to offer her wine to the beat of drums.

Neolithic ceramic art, breastpots, cong jades, and temples. Bronzes for offerings to ancestors. Rites of the Wu, female shamans of old China. Creation stories of the serpent goddess Nu Gua Shih. Taoist cosmology: animals of the elemental directions. Xi Wang Mu, the Great Yin, and her Tree with the peaches of immortality. Also her heng headdress, dragon-tiger throne, three legged raven, toad, and other shamanic servitors. Traditions of the "Mysterious Female" /Dark Woman in Taoist mysticism.


The Canaanite and Hebrew Goddess

We shall burn incense to the Queen of Heaven, and shall pour her libations as we used to do
... in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem." -- Book of Jeremiah

The longest continuous stream of goddess figurines (almost 10,000 years) is found in the Levant: Judah, Israel, Palestine, Phoenecia, Lebanon. Neolithic icons of the Khiamian, Yarmukian, Be'ersheva cultures. Teraphim, horned Ashtaroth, serpent vessels, and Tree of Life ivories. Ugaritic and Biblical traditions of Asherah, "progenitrix of the gods," and Anat, Ashtart, Tanit, Qudsu. Khokhmah, "a Tree of Life to all who lay hold of her," and "the radiance that is Shekhinah."

The Kemetic Goddess

Neit the great, the divine Mother the great Cow, the fashioner of Ra,
greater is her name than of all gods and goddesses, the primordial One,
eldest of the primordial gods, she who made that which is, she who created that which exists...
--A litany of Neit

The ancient Nile Valley, from the riches of the neolithic up to the 3rd century. Goddess litanies and cosmogonies. Neit, Het-heru, Nut, Tefnut, Auset, Uadjet, Maat, Ta-weret, Selket, Anuket and other Nubian goddesses. Ankh, Menet, the knot of Auset, and other amulets. A little-known array of Roman-era figurines of Isis Uraeus, Isis Sothis, Isis Demeter, and the bawdy Baubos.

Take my breast that you may drink, so that you may live again. --Hathor to the dead


Witches and Pagans

Have you done as some women do, at certain times of the year spread a table with meat and drink and three knives, so that if those Three Sisters come, which the descendants of Antiquity and old foolishness called the Fates, they can regale themselves? Do you believe that those called the Sisters can help you now or in the future? --Confessor's manual circa 900 CE

European wisewomen, healers, seers, and and the "good women who go by night" with the Goddess. The pagan sacraments of spinning, weaving, cauldrons, herbcraft, incantations and dance. Pagan festivals and dancing, honoring the dead, sweat-houses. Wyrd, the Weird Sisters, Norns, Fates, fatas, faeries, and the Old Goddess of the witches.


Slavic Paganism

Goddess myths and symbols in Russia, Ukraine and the Balkans. Mokosh, Baba Yaga, and the pagan saint Paraskeva. Oaths and rites in honor of "Moist Mother Earth." Birth faeries (rozhanitsy), rusalky, and other animist divinities. Folk tales, art, and sacraments in a staunchly heathen region that refused to relinquish its Staraya Vyera (“Old Faith”) and instead practiced Dvoeverye ("Double Faith").


The Names of Devi

O supreme Power, the soul of utter bliss, come, come.
O supreme Light, remain never abandoning me. --Modern bhajan

The Goddess whose litanies are still chanted in India today, from the neolithic to the present. Clay matrikas of the Indus valley, medieval temple statues, rock-cut caves of the Seven Mothers, village goddesses, and the Ten Great Wisdom goddesses. Sacred dance, serpent groves, yoni sanctuaries, pujas with fire, flowers, leaves, water, rice jars.


Iraqi Deasophy


Tell es-Sawwan, Samarra and Hassuna, the Halafian wave, al-Ubaid culture. Uruk, Sumeria, Akkadian and Babylonian goddesses and priestesses.

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Mexican Deasophy


Ancient clay statuettes, the great Goddess of the Teotihuacan murals, Zapotec and Huastec sculpture. Deities in the Maya, Aztec and Mixtec codices. Coatlicue, Cihuacoatl, Xilonen, and other goddesses in Aztec cosmology.

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Nigerian Deasophy


The ancient ceramics of Nok and Ile-Ife. Yoruba orishas, statues, masks and temples. Igbo altars to Earth. Omio Yemaya!

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Celtic Deasophy


Iconography of the Matronae, Epona, Sirona, Rosmerta, Sul, and assorted horned goddesses and early sheela-na-gigs.

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