
How things could be different?—because they have been! Egalitarian matrilineal / matrilocal cultures show a way of being human outside the paradigm of domination. They are not a mirror image of patriarchy, but a different way of life, in which the life support matrix is the highest good, with women at the social center. Societies like these falsify the doctrine that domination is universal and unavoidable. Max Dashu draws on her 50 years of research on this subject in a richly expanded visual talk.
90 minutes, usually presented with intermission. Extra time for discussion and questions.
Visual Talks by Max Dashu. All titles are live visual presentations (average 90 minutes), with a break midway and more time for questions and discussion. Tech requirements: digital projector with VGA cable, screen, and mic.
By Subject: international spectrum visual talks
By Place and Peoples: Regional visual talks