
Ancient Women Shamans

Female spiritual leaders in the Paleolithic, at Dolni Vestonice, Bad Durrenberg, and Hilazon Tachtit, in Siberia, as shown in the rock arrt of Australia, Baja Calfornia, the Sahara and South Africa. Themes of shapeshifters and flight in the spirit, from Crete to Nunavut to the Indus Valley, Ecuador, and Nicaragua. Snake women from Etruria, Benin Republic, Guatemala, Iran, and Malawi. Drummers and chanting with the rattle; sacred mirrors and staffs. The Wu of China, Mexican curanderas, the Pythias of Delphi, the oracular priestesses of Malawi, and more.

Visual Talks by Max Dashu. All titles are live visual presentations (average 90 minutes)
with a break midway and more time for questions and discussion.
Tech requirements: digital projector with VGA cable, screen, and mic.

See also:

Woman Shaman: the Ancients video (on dvd)

Other titles

By Place: Regional visual talks


Suppressed Histories Archives | Articles | Max Dashu