Grandmother Stones of Megalithic Europe
The female statue-menhirs are Europe’s earliest monumental art, yet omitted by most histories and even many archeological surveys.
Max Dashu provides a visual overview of these rarely-published monuments of France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Sardinia, and a few from Germany, Ukraine, and Greece. In some places both female and male monoliths appear, but in others, they are exclusively female, suggesting a matrilineal cultural pattern.
She offers a look at their recurrent symbols of breasts and necklaces, vulva signs, and the “ancestor-face,” and notes similarities to megalithic women in the Maghreb and Ethiopia.
This hidden female heritage lies at the foundations of European history, at the end of the neolithic era.
a live digital presentation by Max Dashu
full length 90 minutes, add 10 minutes for break
Requires digital projector, mic, and screen.
Related: Monumental Women of Ethiopia (new) |